There is a variety of clubs and societies that meet in the E. I.
These range from badminton and bridge clubs, snooker and scrabble, after school clubs, and many more. Listed below are the current regular activities, clubs and societies. Of course you are free to book a room for your own activity, celebration or performance - simply use the booking enquiry form on this website or contact the secretary using the details at the bottom of each page.

Wednesday 10-12,
Thursday 2-4 (by arrangement)
Sandy Felton 01524 762653
web site:
The aims of the Arnside Archive Group are
To promote & encourage interest in and research into the local history of the Arnside area
To provide information & exhibitions for the benefit of the local community and visitors alike.
To record customs and traditions of the Arnside area and the impact of change throughout history.
To allow local people to donate memorabilia and documents relating to Arnside for preservation.
We put on displays and workshops about specific topics throughout the year and carry out oral history interviews. Recent projects and events have included a history of transport, WW1 in Arnside; tourism in Arnside, the history of schools in Arnside, Shops and Hotels, Houses in Arnside and the Maritime Heritage of Arnside.
We hold weekly workshops where new members can be trained to participate in archive activities, such as cataloguing and preparing exhibition materials and researching particular topics of interest.
Currently the workshops are held at 10-12pm on Wednesdays
We welcome new members. If you are interested in joining the group, come along to one of the workshops or contact us on
Monday 10.15-11.30
Sue Van Ejkern 07813 639297
All villagers welcome, for brews, biscuits and banter. (No need for EI membership)
Mondays 7pm-9pm new members welcome
For further information and enquiries about juniors, please contact
Jon Race 01539 564119 email
or Cath Grayson 01524 761347 email
The Badminton Group, a member group, operates with an hour from 6pm -7pm focusing on juniors. Roughly 10-12 members participate each week across a wide range of ages and abilities.
Thursday 7.15 to 9.15pm
Stuart Sykes 07415033929
Angela Sykes 07789315753
The Blacksheep Ukulele Band are a group of enthusiastic players who meet every week to learn to play the ukulele and play songs from our extensive song book. We are a group of all abilities. Beginners are welcome and tuition is provided for all. As well as our weekly meetings we also occasionally perform at local community events and care homes.
Arnside Bridge Club are a friendly club that meet in the Westmorland Room at Arnside EI.​
New members and visitors of all abilities are welcome to join us at the following sessions:
Monday afternoon:
1.00-1.30pm A lesson focusing on an aspect of bridge budding and/or play
1.40-4.30pm Chicago Bridge - no partner needed
Tuesday and Friday evening:
6.45 Duplicate Bridge - partner required.
If you are interested in attending any of the above sessions and would like further information.
Please contact Phil Hine 01524 761086 or use the website
Eileen Walters, 01524 761720
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of month
2 - 4pm
The Computer Group meets twice each month and between 9 and 13 members attend. Chris Kirk prepares a talk on different computer areas for each meeting. Participants vary in their own participation as they gain skills.
Wednesday 10.30 till 12.00 every other week
Lesley Gill
1st Wednesday of each month. 7pm-9pm
Sue Cox
The Arnside and Milnthorpe First Responders Group does include Storth and Heversham participants. All members receive regular training and carry a kit which contains a defibrillator and oxygen on their call outs. The group functions as a back up to the ambulance service in response to 999 calls using an app based system. There are currently 9 CFRS who train on the 1st Wednesday of each month. On average there are 6 or 7 call outs each week.
Thursday mornings
Walk-Fit & Tone, and Pilates
Fit:Fusion Dance, Strength & Stretch
A fun, low-impact class that starts with an aerobic warm-up and easy-to-follow dance fitness session (20 minutes), followed by a 20-minute strength session and functional stretches to improve flexibility and recovery.
This energising class boosts cardiovascular fitness, posture, bone density, strength, and flexibility—all while leaving you feeling revitalised. Perfect for all levels, with no high-impact moves. Bring hand weights and resistance bands (or borrow Sam's), or start light—water bottles work too!
Especially beneficial for peri to post-menopausal women.
For more details, visit the website or contact Sam:
Class Details:
Thursdays 9.45 - 10.30 AM
Restorative Pilates
A friendly, low-impact class to strengthen your core, improve posture, balance, flexibility, and reduce stress. Suitable for all levels, with a mix of standing and mat-based exercises that are easy to follow. Sam provides progressions for those wanting a challenge and modifications for beginners or those with specific needs.
Perfect for walkers, runners, postnatal mums, retirees, or anyone managing back or neck pain. Pilates also supports pelvic floor health, core strength, and joint mobility, helping you move with ease and feel stronger.
For more details, visit the website or contact Sam:
Class Details:
Thursdays 10.30 - 11.30 AM
Contact Sam Horton on 07886 457563
Theatre, Gigs and films
Debbie Laving
The aim of the Arnside Highlights group is to bring performing arts and craft events to the village, using the Joyce Nicholson Hall as a venue. It operates as part of the Arts Council funded Highlights Rural Touring Scheme to bring a programme of theatre, live music, dance & craft workshops to the EI over the Spring and Autumn months. In 2023 a total of 8 events were staged including two matinee performances aimed at young children and their families and a Christmas craft workshop.
The Volunteer group consists of about 15 members who meet formally a couple of times each year to select the seasonal programmes. The Volunteers organise themselves to promote the events, look after the performers and manage the front of house for each performance. The group has an extensive mailing list to keep its supporters informed and uses village notice boards and other sites to publicise events.
KEY (Kent Estuary Youth) run youth groups every Friday evening at the Educational Institute during term-time.
The Junior group is 11-14yrs and runs from 6pm -7.30pm
The Senior group is for 14-16yrs and runs from 7.45pm-9.30pm
Activities include sports, games, cooking and crafts and local outings. All our activities and ideas are youth led to meet the needs of our young people.
For more information see our website
Facebook page KentEstuaryYouth
Email rosiebrown@keyprojectcumbria.
Most Thursdays 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Rob Jackson
07982 712882
Arnside and Silverdale Photography Group is a friendly active camera club that caters for all levels of experience.
We meet at 7.30pm most Thursday evenings (the season starts in September) and have a fantastic programme of lectures by well-known photographers, together with club competitons, outings, and social events.
Annual membership costs £50 but you are very welcome to come down to one of our meetings for no charge to see what we are like.
Find more info please email:
or call Rob Jackson on 07982 712882
Wednesday 7.00 - 9.30
Fiona Stevens 01524 762371
Wednesday 1.00-4.00
Marge Robinson 01524 762634
We meet every Wednesday from September to April in the Westmorland room at the Educational Institute Church Hill, Arnside.
The sessions last from 1pm until 4pm, and members arrive and depart as they wish. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served during the meeting.
The group is friendly and welcoming and the afternoon is as much a social event as well as time to sew, knit, crochet and share and learn new skills. The range of skills is from beginners to experienced and we try to cover most needlework projects as well as dyeing, felting and more. Members work on their own project as well as the group one. We usually have a display in the E.I.
We share ideas, and help each other and members are generous with their advice or practical help.
You are welcome to pop in any afternoon we are in session and see what goes on.
Monday to Friday 9.00 - 10.00
Saturday 9.00-5.30
Seniors: Monday & Tuesday 10.00-12.00
Contact the EI Office on
The Snooker section is set up on a Pay as You Go system.. Members pay for a key and there is a meter controlling the lights, currently at a rate of £4 per hour. Members can use the snooker room whenever it is free.There are approximately 20 - 30 playing members and usage does fluctuate to some extent. On Mondays and Tuesdays, from 9am -12 noon there is a Social Group session, a friendly get together of players.
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Linda Hartley
The Stitch in Time group produces reusable menstrual kits for disadvantaged girls and women in the 3rd world. Their production line is quite exacting and the materials are donated or bought by funds raised. The kits are not given unconditionally, they are distributed as part of an education programme which helps to keep girls in school,and raise their standing within their communities. There are many groups like this in the UK and Days for Girls is the umbrella organisation. There is a knitting section of the group which produces baby items and hats. Donations of baby and children's clothes are regularly received and put into the international distribution system.
Tuesday 7.30 - 9.30
Friday 2.00 - 4.00
Diane Clubb 01524 761299
Neil Webster 01524 762127
The Table Tennis group sessions cater for a wide range of abilities with 3 or 4 tables ensuring constant playing time. There is a rotation system in place to vary the player combinations on each table. Games are played as doubles so 4 players can mix and match their skills. There is also a welcome break for tea, biscuits and a chat halfway through each session.